experimenting with make-up, hairdos, to chat with friends about fashions, or learn to follow on the dance floor.
The urge to express that part of our nature which is graceful, soft, sweet, harmonious. Girls are much freer to express these moods and feelings. Even in dancing a male projects more force than sweetness...The TV enjoys too the opportunity to walk along those frothy, ethereal paths...In this category the swirl of a skirt cannot possibly be beaten by the most "exquisite" pair of trousers.
And finally we come to the urge to express tenderness, be it with words or with action. field in which a man must always be on guard, lest he be tagged as "effeminate" or "queer". Our society goes to such extremes in curtailing the expression of this emotion in men, that it even frowns when the son kisses his father. Men should only shake hands. In the USA we find it comical that some European countries permit kissing and hugging between males. If we should give a peck on the cheek to a male friend.... Heavens forbid! It cannot possibly mean any- thing but the expression of a homosexual trait! And what about girls? The darlings never have to worry about showing tenderness.
So we have spelled out some of the most typical TV urges. They vary in intensity from TV to TV... and that's why some TV's are satisfied with in- frequent dressing sessions...Others feel these desires with greater intensity and persistence and so they must dress more often. But, weak or strong, they are the ingredients which shape the personality of a TV. They are our definition. And since we couldn't possibly list them all every time we say "I am a TV", we resort to the much simpler way of putting the whole thing in a nutshell which we call "THE GIRL-WITHIN".